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Mick Box - Guitars David Byron - Vocals Ken Hensley - Keyboards Paul Newton - Bass Alex Napier - Drums (Dec. 1969 - Jan. 1970) Nigel 'Ollie' Olsson - Drums (Jan.-Feb. 1970) Colin Wood - Additional Keyboards (January 1970) |
Spice was founded by David Garrick (David Byron) (Vocals) (born 29 January 1947, Essex, North-East of Greater London – death 28
February 1985) and Mick Box (Guitars) (born 6 June 1947, Walthamstow, London) in 1967 after their previous band Stalkers had disbanded.
Line ups included Nigel Pegrum (Drums) and Barry Green (Bass) and Alf (Bass) before Paul Newton (joined in 1968). |
Spice a fost înfiintată de David Garrick (David Byron) (voce) si Mick Box (chitară) în 1967 după ce trupa lor Stalkers s-a desfiintat.
Componenta trupei s-a schimbat deseori, avându-l pe Nigel Pegrum la tobe si Barry Green si Alf pe bas, înainte de venirea lui
Paul Newton (care s-a alaturat în 1968). |
Ken Hensley |
Ken Hensley had played key-boards with Paul Newton in The Gods and he was currently playing guitar in Toe Fat. |
Ken Hensley a cântat în trupa The Gods împreunã cu Paul Newton si în trupa Toe Fat, chitarã si voce. |
Nigel "Ollie" Olsson |
Mick Box /Paul Newton /David Byron /Alex Napier |
It was almost ready the recording of the album when Alex Napier was replaced by Nigel 'Ollie' Olsson, well known for working with Elton John. Very 'Eavy... Very 'Umble... (US Version simply titled Uriah Heep) was released on June 19, 1970.
Produced by Gerry Bron and featuring a morbidly gothic cover (David Byron face). 'Gypsy' and 'I'll Keep On Trying', Box/Byron composition, were both typical Heep, featuring heavy, earthy guitar riffs, prominent keyboards and strong vocal harmonies, while 'Wake Up (Set Your Sights)' had a progressive, King Crimson-like feel.
Overall, it was happening at the time while seeking to create their own, unique sound. |
Inregistrãrile la album erau aproape terminate, când Alex Napier a fost înlocuit de Nigel 'Ollie' Olsson la tobe, venit de la Elton John pentru o scurtã perioadã. |
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