Napot hoztam, csillagot
(( House of cards, Part I ))
Time Robber - Part 1: I brought the sun, star 

Ázott köpenyét kölcsönadta rám az ég.
Ronggyá nyutt cipom, amíg bírta, vitt feléd.
Éjszakák surujén vágtam át,
A fényes izzó nap tüzét arcomon hordtam szét.

Gyöngyházszínu tengeren,
Könnyu csónak szállt velem.
Most újra, újra itt vagyok,
Napot hoztam, csillagot.

Drágako vízbehullt, a mélyben elveszett.
A bársony megfakult, ezüst tükröm megrepedt
Szélvihar szórta szét a pénzemet.
Kopott bádogpoharam végül koldus vette meg.

Minden kincsem odalett,
Nem hozhattam mást neked.
Napot hoztam, csillagot,
Nézd a két kezem, nézd csak, hogy ragyog.

Her rain-drenched cape, the sky lent to me  
My worn out shoes, carried me to you as far as they could 
Through the thickness of nights I cut across  
The bright sun's blazing hot fire I splattered over my face 
On pearl colored sea  
A light sailboat flew with me on board  
Now once again, once again I am here 
I brought the sun, the star 
Precious stone 
Fell into the water, was lost in the deep 
The velvet faded out, my silver mirror cracked 
Windstorm scattered around my cash 
My ragged tin mug, a panhandler took at the end  
All my treasures were lost; I could bring you nothing else 
I brought the sun, the star  
Look at my both hands, look how they shine!  
Time Robber - Part 2: Time robber 
Watch carefully, the time robber walks among us in disguise 
In his magic cape, he is on an ambush even now  
Sitting in the buffet or walking on the street, you won't even notice 
Suddenly you became older by one year 
The timer robber sees everything; the whole world is in his hands 
We feel his stare yet no one ever has seen him  
He lies down in the middle as the third; he is on guard even there 
Goes through the walls, he'll find you anywhere 
He grins behind the counter, writes a report, breathe on you on the bus 
If you want to shake him off, wake up earlier. 
(( House of cards, Part II ))
Time Robber - Part 3: Windows 
Hidden light, shines in the very depth of things 
You may think of this when you say; there is hope 
Search for it then and open your window wide 
Open wide your eyes to it, see your life clearly! 
Look I'm showing you a house 
It's not even a house, only windows 
Inside them the one who smiles 
That man over there that is I 
A névtelen utazó
(( Invitation ))
The anonymous voyager 
He was born on a star far away 
Wonder being who will start anything 
He will succeed in everything; he never fails 
Wizard mind that writes physics in poetry 
His brain is a device that he invented himself 
And now he sets out, the world became small for him 
I hear him how he's transmitting the signals 
Addressed to you these secret coded messages 
When he'll arrive here, he'll ask for one thing, your heart! 
He was born on a star far away 
As he grew, his star became insignificant 
And now he sets out, across blue nebula draws near.  
A könyvelö álma
(( An accountant’s dream ))
Egy negyvenéves könyvelőnek szörnyű álma volt, 
Pénzt adott egy rockzenésznek, este ő dobolt. 
Írógépén a négyet hozta, "Tiszta showman!" - mondták róla, 
Nem volt még így feldobódva soha.  
Egy negyvenéves könyvelőnek furcsa álma volt, 
Másnap reggel az asztalánál elgondolkodott. 
De jött az álom folytatása, mellét verte dús szakálla, 
Dobverőt vitt az aktatáska helyett.  
Szegény ember ettől kezdve kettős életet élt, 
Nappal körmölt, de jött az este és ő újra zenélt.  
Egy negyvenéves könyvelőnek szörnyű álma volt, 
Pénzt adott egy rockzenésznek, este ő dobolt. 
Írógépén a négyet hozta, "Tiszta showman!" - mondták róla, 
Nem volt még így feldobódva soha.  
Szegény ember ettől kezdve kettős életet élt, 
Nappal körmölt, de jött az este és ő újra zenélt.  
An accountant's dream 
A forty years old accountant had a terrifying dream  
He gave money to a rock musician and at night he played the drums 
Played the quartet on his typewriter "Pure showman!" - He was told 
He hasn't been so uplifted like this ever 
A forty years old accountant had a peculiar dream 
Next morning at his desk he wondered 
And came the dream's continuation, his thick beard grew down to his chest 
He carried drumsticks instead of his brief case 
Poor man he lived double lives since that 
Daytime he scribbles, but the night came and he played music again 
A forty years old accountant had a terrifying dream  
He gave money to a rock musician and at night he played the drums 
Played the quartet on his typewriter "Pure showman!" - He was told 
He hasn't been so uplifted like this ever 
Poor man he lives double lives since than 
Daytime he scribbles, but the night came and he played music again 
(( Don’t keep me waitin’ ))
Without you 
Stars, if they should lose their brightness 
If every road would leave their boresome places  
Our nights would become 
Oceans without shores  
In which I will never reach you  
At hundred open gates I would stand all alone 
Where the voice, which calls for me to step in 
On my shadow I would search for your shadow 
Without you, I would still enjoy your cold place  
I would wait for years to touch you 
Alone the soul shivers so  
Echo that doesn't answer 
Border with emptiness, I would live such way 
Waiting for you  
Stars, if they should loose their brightness  
If every road would leave their boresome places 
I would live without you 
But would not know what for 
What you give to me that is the life itself 
I would wait years to touch you 
It's not enough only that you pledge 
Éjféli koncert 
(( Late night show ))
Szikrázó naplemente a katlan fölött, 
Hol a koncertre tízezren várnak. 
Hátrébb a színfalaknál idősebb úr 
Fejet csóvál, és tölt még magának.  
Tízezer szív együtt dobog, 
Robban a hang és szilánkot szór. 
Felfénylő éjszakában tízezer szék 
Úgy tűnik, összébb hajol.  
A végén a tört varázslat egy mozdulat, 
Le a színpadról újra a földre. 
Újságok foltja fénylik, minden kihalt, 
Ez az este elmúlt örökre.  
A világon annyi ember él, 
S én fáradtabb vagyok mindenkinél. 
Nézem egy gyűrt fotónkat, a földön hever, 
Aztán felkapja lágyan a szél. 
The late night concert 
Sparkling sunset above the basin 
Where ten thousands wait for the concert 
Further back near at the platform an older man 
Shakes his head and pours himself some more 
Ten thousand hearts beat together 
The sound explodes and scatters splinters 
In the glowing night ten thousand chairs 
Seem to lean closer from here 
At the end the broken magic, one move 
From the stage, back down to the ground again 
Spots of newspapers gleam; everything is deserted 
This night has passed forever 
In this world there are so many people live  
And I am more tired then anyone else 
I watch our mangled photo, lays in the dirt 
Than the wind lifts it up gently